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Tag: Sweden

30% flat tax in Sweden, is that enough?

In this blog, we will touch upon Sweden and instances where temporary contractors are presented with NET pay calculations showing a flat % of tax (30% for example). These pay calculations look great, but you may not be told  that there is likely to be a lot more tax to

The Dangers of Misclassifying Contractors Within Sweden.

Within Sweden, misclassifying contractors can have several negative consequences for the supply chain and more specifically the entity paying the self-employed/AB/Independent worker. Therefore, you must be comfortable with the classification of a contractor taking a role in Sweden. There is no statutory definition within Sweden to define if a contractor

SINK Tax in Sweden.

Are you going to work in Sweden for less than 6 months of the financial year? If so, you will be liable to pay taxes on your locally sourced income in Sweden under the Economic Employer Concept, if you meet one of the following criteria; Although you will have a

Contracting In Sweden

Sweden is a country located in Northern Europe. It is the largest country in Scandinavia and the fifth largest country in Europe in terms of land area. The country is known for its natural beauty, with vast forests, lakes, and coastal archipelagos. The population of Sweden is around 10 million